Posts Tagged“house”

Home Builder Explains 5 Things You Should Never do to a New House


The list of things you should do to your new house are endless, and there are also many things that you shouldn’t do. Of course, having a house warming party and setting it on fire is obviously not in one’s best interest. But anyway, here’s a short list of the 5things to be avoided. 1 -Don’t Leave the Locks on the Doors that the Builder Left Yes, the builder and his team may have been a nice bunch of people and a great team of workers, but the only person who should have access to all of the locks, is…

Is It Time to Sell That House?

Is it truly the time that you sold your current home and moved on in your life? If so, selling that home may not prove as easy as you may have first thought. Whether it is the local real estate market, the home needing notable repairs, or a combination of both, you may find yourself with a residence sitting and sitting for the foreseeable future. In the process, you are growing frustrated and impatient. In such cases, having a Plan B in your mind is truly a great idea. So, is it time to sell that house? Move That Home…